Master of Science

The Master of Science in Sustainable Forest Management is appropriate for students who want two or more years of formal graduate work and who wish to develop a limited research specialization. Designed primarily for pursuing careers in research or teaching or those seeking professional development through in-depth research on a topic of interest, the MS program can be either a terminal degree or the first step toward a doctorate. The program provides an opportunity for independent research to be reported in a formal Master’s Thesis. MS students choose from one of the six SFM areas of concentration.

Areas of concentration

Forest Operations Planning and Management

Planning, organizing, and executing forest plans; enhancing supply chain efficiency and improving international competitiveness

Contacts: Woodam Chung (Lead), Kevin LyonsFrancisca MarrsBogdan Strimbu, Heesung Woo, Rene Zamora-Cristales


Forest Policy Analysis and Economics

Analyzing tradeoffs in the forest and resource policy decision process; public land use policy; interpretations of regulations; markets for forest products; forest certification; theoretical and applied research related to ecosystem services

Contacts: Mindy Crandall (Lead), Andres Susaeta, Rene Zamora-Cristales


Forest Biometrics and Geomatics

Modeling tree and stand development; forest data sampling and monitoring methods; forest measurements and assessments; mapping and data management technologies

Contacts: Michael Wing (Lead), Temesgen HailemariamJim Kiser, Jacob PutneyBogdan Strimbu


Silviculture, Fire, Forest Health, and Biodiversity

Manipulating site productivity and vegetation to achieve management objectives, from restoration to intensive timber production; fire ecology and fire management; forest ecosystem health

Contacts: Matt Powers (Lead), John Bailey, Chris DunnCarlos Gonzalez-Benecke, Jim Kiser, Jared LeBoldus, John PunchesJacob Putney, Priya RajarapuJim Rivers, Lorelle ShermanMark Swanson


Forest Soil and Watershed Processes

Understanding watershed conditions and processes in forested ecosystems and the effects of management activities; evaluating and improving soil and water quality and related practices and policies for forest operations

Contacts: Catalina Segura (Lead), Kevin Bladon, Jeff Hatten, Annette PattonGeorgia Seyfried


Engineering for Sustainable Forestry

Designing forest operations to achieve sustainable forest management objectives; ecological restoration operations; road design and construction

Contacts: Jim Kiser (Lead), Ben LeshchinskyKevin LyonsFrancisca MarrsMichael OlsenCatalina SeguraMichael Wing