contact us

Visit us in Peavy Forest Science Center! Our offices are in Suite 116 right off the atrium. We are also happy to chat with you through Zoom, phone, and/or email. 




Rachael Fahrenbach, Assistant Director of International Programs

"So far, I’ve lived on four continents! Ask me about study abroad, foreign languages, dog pictures, local foraging, and any doubts about going international!" 


Office: Peavy Forest Science Center (PFSC) 116-N
Phone: (541) 737-4601

Schedule an appointment with me here!




Rabeb Zghal, Outreach and Administrative Assistant

Rabeb arrived to Corvallis a year and a half ago and joined the CMLC as a Volunteer Coordinator and the OSU International Moms Group as a member of the leadership team. She worked as the Programs Coordinator for Benton Habitat for Humanity before joining OSU in her new position as an Administrative Programs Assistant. Rabeb is originally from Tunisia and was a University Teacher for 11 years.


Office: Peavy Forest Science Center (PFSC) 116-N
Phone: (541) 737-7738

Schedule an appointment with me here!




Bo MacGill, Student Outreach Assistant

"I’m a second-year WInS student with a love for fungi! There’s nothing I love more than some cool fungi and the world has a whole lot to offer. Ask me about mushrooms, earrings, or my experience in Chile!"





Ireland Streeter, Student Outreach Assistant

"I am a fourth year student studying tourism, recreation, and adventure leadership here with the college of forestry. I love helping students with their international experiences and highly encourage studying abroad. Ask me about my experience studying oil palms and orangutans in Borneo, Malaysia!"




Jo Brunelli, Student Outreach Assistant

"I am a third-year student studying Natural Resources (specializing in fish and wildlife management) remotely from Philadelphia, PA! One of the best parts of my time at OSU has been exploring all the opportunities remote students like me can access through the College of Forestry and the international programs office. Feel free to talk to me about urban reforestation, salmon, remote education, or my time in Canada and Chile!"



Eric Hansen, Acting Director of International Programs

"Growing up in tiny-town Idaho, my goal was always to get out and see the world. As an OSU faculty member I have been lucky to live in Finland for a full year during a sabbatical leave, visit 31 other countries, and take students on short-term study abroad experiences in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Slovenia, Austria, Switzerland, and Italy."

Office: Richardson Hall 119-D
Phone: (541) 737-4240