
Take care of our trees

Silviculturists control forest regeneration, composition, growth and quality. They are specially trained in identifying disease and pests. Silviculturists often work for government agencies.

Soil Scientist

Soils and systems

Being a soil scientist is more than just playing in the dirt. Soil scientists study the physical and chemical properties of soil. Because soils are affected by so many other systems, soil scientists also study land and water resources. Many jobs in this area are for federal and state governments. Time is often split between the field and the lab.

Professional Forester, Forest Manager

Manage our forest lands

Foresters and forest managers are concerned with the overall administrative, economic, legal and social aspects and with the essentially scientific and technical aspects, especially silviculture, protection, and forest regulation. Foresters are multitaskers, often addressing a variety of issues with other professionals from many different areas. The industry is growing at a rate of three percent per year, meaning that 990 jobs will be added by 2022.